





「学ぶということはまねをするというところから出ておる 1日まねをしたら1日のまねや それで済んでしまったら

2日まねしてそれでまねせなんだら それは2日のまね

ところが一生まねしておったら まねがほんまもんや」



朝から、誰に聞かせるわけでもなく、自分の心の底から生まれる音を息にのせて空気に伝えるのは、とっても楽しいんですよ。それに懸命にKANJI ZAI・・・と読むことを想像すれば漢字が読めるだけでかなりのアドバンテージ。自分にとって一番心地いい声で、是非般若心経を読んでみて下さい!




- 般若心経(漢字/アルファベット)。是非プリントアウトして声に出して読んでみて下さい。


I visited Wartenberg this weekend. There was a beautiful hermitage.
Lucas, the owner of the hermitage loves "Reading the Heart Sutra".
About 15 people, Men and women of all ages were there at this Session.
Everybody read Heart Sutra in alphabet. I felt joy at this site and read together.

I met a monk in Eiheiji. His name was Ekiho Miyazaki and we called him "Zenji-sama".
He used to say that the japanese word "MANABU"(to learn) comes from "MANERU"(to imitate).

"MANERU for one day makes a day of imitation, if you stop there.
Stopping after 2days makes 2 days of imitation.
But if you MANERU for a lifetime, MANERU becomes genuineness."

I have never been taught the meaning of Heart Sutra during my 3 years practice in Eiheiji.
I just imitated the beautiful behavior of Zenji-sama, and to this day I continue to do so.

It is fun and gives me pleasure letting out my voice without knowing the meaning of the words.
While reading Sutras, there are no borders between Nationality, Race, Ideology, Gender or Age.
Also please do not worry about pronunciation, or tempo.
Just keep it going and you'll find a good opportunity to learn it at the very right time and person.

Please try reading the Heart Sutra with your own voices every morning.
Have a wonderful week!

Seigaku 9 hai

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva when practicing deeply the Prajna Paramita perceived that all five skandhas in their own being are empty and was saved from all suffering.
O Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form. That which is form is emptiness, that which is emptiness, form. The same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness.
O Shariputra, all Dharma are marked with emptiness They are without birth or death, are not tainted, or pure; do not increase, nor decrease. Therefore, in emptiness no form, no feelings, no perceptions, no impulses, no consciousness, no eyes,
no ears, no nose, no tongue, no taste, no touch, no object of mind, no world of eyes, through to no world of mind consciousness. No ignorance and also no extinction of it, through to no old age and death and also no extinction of it.
No suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path, no cognition, also no attainment, with nothing to attain. The Bodhisattvas depend on Prajna Paramita and their mind are no hindrance, without any hindrance no fears exist.
Far apart from every deluded view they dweil idn Nirvana. In the Three Worlds all Buddhas depend on Prajna Paramita and attain unsurpassed, complete, perfect Enlightenment. Therefore know the Prajna Paramita is the great transcendent Mantra, is the great bright Mantra, is the utmost Mantra, is the supreme Mantra, which is able to relieve all suffering and is true, not false. So proclaime the Prajna Paramita Mantra, proclaim the Mantra that says:
Gyate, gyate, paragyate parasam gyate, bohi svaha!
Maha prajna paramita hridaya Sutra.

2013/08/04  by
